
Monitoring the website keeps you informed about the health of the site and helps identify what can be optimized and improved.


  • Monitor resource utilization on the server (e.g., CPU, RAM, HDD).
  • Monitor web site availability with uptime services.
  • Monitor web site responsiveness / performance.
    • Consider checking the performance from different geographic locations.


  • Monitor application errors, warnings, 404 errors, etc.
    • Use event log notifications or create custom report in the reporting module.


  • Keep an eye on web analytics and online marketing data.
    • Monitor all data, like visitors and their activities, page views, conversions, etc. as those can grow fast when the site traffic is high.
    • Configure inactive contact deletion rules.
    • Make sure that the scheduled tasks deleting old data are configured and running (e.g., for analytics data and inactive contacts).
  • Consider separating the online marketing data to another database if the size of the data is causing performance issues on the rest of the site.
    • It is more important to keep contact data than web analytics as 3rd party tools (e.g. Google Anayltics) can be used to keep long term analytic data.
    • Keep online marketing data for 6 to 12 months to provide the necessary data for marketing automation and other online marketing features.
  • Monitor the size of the database tables.
  • Define rules to handle outdated content.
  • Monitor content for broken links.